Memory Mile Weezie - Alzheimer's Association Fundraiser
June Donation Month
Like many of you, my family has been impacted by Alzheimer's. My grandmother was impacted a dozen years ago and we witnessed her forget names, people, memories. It's not something that I would wish on anyone. To help others impacted by Dementia, my mother and aunt hosted a fundraiser for the Alzheimer's Association on June 12 - a big event to raise money and awareness for Alzheimers. They hosted their event in Sturbridge, MA with some friends, family, and supporters. They raised over $11,000 in donations for the Alzheimer's Association.
In order to start On A Limb Apparel the proper way, we wanted to donate some of our revenue to a good cause. Our main initiative with On A Limb is to give back and make an impact on those who have given to us -- our community, friends + family, and others who need some extra assistance. That's why we donated 10% of all revenue earned from May 10 - June 10 to the Memory Mile Weezie fundraiser in support of finding a cure and increasing awareness of the Alzheimer's Association's work.
We donated $100 to their fundraiser to raise awareness and funds for the Alzheimer's Association. Thank you for supporting On A Limb -- I'm thankful for your support of the apparel and I'm glad we were able to donate to such a great cause.
In addition to donating money, we also sent two hats for the fundraiser for them to use in the raffle baskets. The raffle was used to raise some more money during the event, while giving companies an opportunity to donate goods/services for a good cause, in addition to money or instead of money.
It was really cool seeing our hats on a table alongside Red Sox baseball tickets, hotel stays, and other donated products and services.
We'll be supporting more causes in the coming months so check back for new apparel and new updates on fundraisers and other special events.